Welcome to my blog..

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up. ~Pablo Picasso

Thoughts for the Teaching Artist is devoted to an ongoing exploration of the role of the arts in education. I believe that the arts are an integral, essential part of every person's education. Arts education develops 21st Century Learning Skills, supports all core subjects, creates empathy & builds bridges, and helps develop voice & vision.

The views expressed in Thoughts for the Teaching Artist are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other persons or organization.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Journey Worth the Taking

On her blog Purple Sage Post, Amy Luskey Barth, a noted theatre educator, has written a wonderful and evocative post about the strange and layered journey of the final days before opening a musical:

"The show comes together in pieces. Ragged and fragile. Both. Everyone with their share of the responsibility. Actors remember to pre-set your props, take the tags off your costumes. We need a different leotard for the dove. What is that shadow on the Father's robe? It has too big a hem in it. Noah's beard is overwhelming him. Father's mustache is too shiny. Where do we stash the mini flashlights? Someone comes up with an idea to attach a big safety pin to each costume. Brilliant. Problem solved."

Those who teach only from a text book likely have little notion of the multitude of odd details that the Teaching Artist must weave together.  As we lead our students on their journey, our work and the students' work is often entertwined as we labor together to create something beautful. The learning happens in the midst of this work as mistakes are made, problems solved and dreams finally realized.

Read all of Amy's post here: Purple Sage Post

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